Thursday, November 3, 2011

Midterm Test:Cubism

For this project i make a poster about artwork exhibition, by Eka Pebriana from her artwork "cubism". she want to show cubic in different form. she explore more about cubic and show it in her artwork. her artwork is very unique, she make it from many cubic. she will show and explain it in her exhibition, so i make this poster to invite more people to see her artwork.

Food Journal


this is my food journal. in this journal there are some different food and different experience that i've eat in a week. may be some food are unfamiliar for many people, but it is very delicious. i eat this food usually at leisure time, or when i'm doing my work to accompanied me. with this journal i want to tell the readers that there many kind of food can we try to eat. like the food in this journal. have you ever been the food? you must try it.

Food Mind Map

Before we started on doing our food experience in creative journal, we have conceptualized a mind map that depicts what kind of things do we feel when we experience the food.

Hangout In Marggonda

are you like to hangout? if you like you must try to hangout in margonda. and if you also like to eat you must try to hangout in some food courts in margonda. there are many kind of food. the price is also cheap enough, so don't worry about money. there are three food court in margonda, in ITC Depok, in D-Mall, and in DeToS(Depok Town Square). you must try each place and feel the your time will run very fast. have a nice hangout..:)

Can You See The Sign?!!!

the sign is made to give a notice or command to the people. and the sign must obey to more orderly. what happened if we not obey to the sign? anything can be happend, accident, disaster, or anything. only the people with many weakness can't obey the sign. cause the sign must easy to understand for normal people. so, can you see the sign?!!

First Photography

these photo are about lesson of photography. each photo is have different ISO, different exposure, and different time, with different object. and in some picture i use macro effect to show more effect of detail.

Text Project: Gravity

graffiti is another part of text. that i wanna show you. usually graffiti made on the wall, but in the present graffiti can made in any media, so i  try to make it  digitally. the word that i make is "SPIRIT!!!". i want to give more spirit with this graffiti. i use primary color cause it is bright and with the bright color we can more get spirit. the direction of arrow i make mostly to the right and above mean you must go ahead, don't look the past. make all happaned in the past a lesson and your experience. so, SPIRIT!!!

First Project: Our Life

this photo is about sunrise. with this this photo i want to show the view in when sun is rising. i focus in the middle, the other part i make it blur, to more focus with the sunrise.

this picture is about sadness. there is a broken building caused by earthquake in west sumatra. and there is a person who throught the road see to the building with sadness. to make more effect i make a collage, and sephia effect. 

the photo is about disaster. this photo i take in west sumatra after the earthquake happened. in the photo there is a really broken buliding. this photo can be categorize in sadness so i make sephia effcet also in this photo. 

in our life we must have firiends. that i want show to the other with this picture. this picture was taken when we have gathering in our firend's house when we was high school.

there are many buliding in our enviroment, that i want to show with this picture. there are many big and tall builing like this big clock. the size of this buliding make the frame is not enough. that the way i  show the effect of this picture.