Friday, January 13, 2012

Archies Magazine : My Pages

the final project for DDC Class is make a magazine, we work together for this project. We get some part for this magazine. My parts is make a page for cover story, two pages for movie review, and one page for games review.  
Cover Story : Berlin
For the cover story I wrote about Berlin, the Capital city of German. Berlin is beautiful city, there are many places for visit in your vacation. For the accomodation there are two international airport in Berlin, and  many luxury hotels and apartments for you live in Berlin.

Movie Review
In these pages, I make review for movie that coming soon in this year. For readers information there is the release date and a little sinopsys. Therea are many movies, but I choose the most waited, the most hits for previous version, and the most famous movie almost each month for the reader. 

Game Review
This page is written for the gamers. Because there are some exiciting games will come in this year. The games that I choose for the readers are the game that succesful in the previous version, such as Diablo, Assassin's Creed, and Mass Effect. These games are for PC.

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